Libertas Gardens

The elegant union of ornamental and productive.

Rain fed ponds & rain gardens

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Our ponds and raingardens are tailored to your needs and tastes to the finest detail. Their size, depth and design can be discussed with you to come up with a unique garden feature.

Ponds can be built from a variety of materials, lined with high quality UV resistant liner or mortared and adorned with mosaics or natural river rocks.

What a garden feature…

Ponds will host a wide variety of food plants and native water plants, fish and insects and they can be a huge contribution to the biodiversity of a backyard garden.

A honey visiting a pond for a drink on a hot summer day.

Click here for pictures and a small clip on bees visiting a small urban pond.

So productive, such a healthy feed!

Ponds are also a fantastic opportunity to harvest a very productive crop of water greens and tubers.

Pretty and tasty.

We prefer to build ponds that are fed by rain from your roof or any hard surfaces and to design them so that their overflow waters fruit trees or adjoining gardens.

This pond is filled up from a roof… and is host to more living creature then one could count in a lifetime.