Libertas Gardens

The elegant union of ornamental and productive.

Reclaim the Curb – Herbert St Reclaim working bee


As part of the Reclaim the Curb collective ( ) Libertas Gardens is proud to be supporting the working bee on RtC’s 2nd site!



On September 9th, all day, we will be turning this:



Into something like this:

At this stage the wish list looks like this:


  • Outdoor furniture (picnic table, chairs…)

  • Lots of cardboard to sheet mulch with (there cannot be too much).

  • Lots of wood mulch (an arborist will be dropping mulch for us if he can, but the more the merrier).

  • Flowering or edible shrubs (cherry guavas per example).

  • Small evergreen trees (3 citrus would be great. A few natives all right too).

  • Ground cover plants.

  • Climbing plants (hardenbergia or passion fruit vines per example).

  • Forks and other tools to fight the runner grasses.

  • Edging materials of some kind a good bonus.

  • Compost, manures, worm casting and other goodness.
  • 1 banana tree.
  • A compost bin to keen under the bananas?

If you are free, join our working bee – its going to be a great day of good honest out door work with friendly neighbourly stuff like a bbq lunch!

Just so we can anticipate numbers please rsvp to




For more info: