Libertas Gardens

The elegant union of ornamental and productive.

Libertas Gardens

Tag: Community Garden Action

Food gardens for rental and renters

Libertas Gardens - Food Gardens for rental and renters

Many think they can’t grow food because the are in a rental situation… * In most cases, this could not be further from the truth! Setting up food gardens for rental and renters is definitely possible.   * We might just need to be a bit more ingenious…  *   Raised Garden Beds can be

Compost and chicken system at community garden

Community garden chicken and compost - New coop design

Project summary Purpose This project aims to fully retrofit the chicken area at the ******* St Community Garden. This would also allow to greatly simplify and maximise the on site composting processes. Context The current chicken area is in need of improvement: The chicken house is infested by vermin, fleas and mites. The fence around

Nature strips enhancing project

At Libertas Gardens, what really keeps us going is our dream to green up the suburbs. We think it is possible to create a nicer, healthier and an ecologically sound urban environment for us to live in and our children to grow up in. In collaboration with Melbourne City Rooftop Honey and Reclaim The Curb, we

Another guerilla garden in Northcote!

Guerilla garden Melbourne - Community compost and produce share

This are a few pictures of a young guerilla garden. Today, a bit of lawn was removed and a few banana plants found a new place to live. This garden has been strongly driven by a local resident, with a great vision and a lot of determination. With some wild ideas and a lot of

Reclaim the Curb – Herbert St Reclaim working bee

As part of the Reclaim the Curb collective ( ) Libertas Gardens is proud to be supporting the working bee on RtC’s 2nd site! . . On September 9th, all day, we will be turning this:     Into something like this: At this stage the wish list looks like this:   Outdoor furniture (picnic table,