Libertas Gardens

The elegant union of ornamental and productive.

Libertas Gardens

Tag: food gardens

Focus on: Snails

This will be a topic of interest for most gardeners. For us in Melbourne, this is specially relevant to those gardening on the heavy clay soils such as the area around the creeks. Some gardens seem to be cursed with an unending population of gastropods (from ancient Greek, meaning literally stomach-foot). One such garden we

Food gardens for rental and renters

Libertas Gardens - Food Gardens for rental and renters

Many think they can’t grow food because the are in a rental situation… * In most cases, this could not be further from the truth! Setting up food gardens for rental and renters is definitely possible.   * We might just need to be a bit more ingenious…  *   Raised Garden Beds can be

Rooftop garden – Richmond

Growing food on rooftops melbourne libertas gardens

Built on a rooftop in Richmond in the early summer of 2012, this rooftop garden is only two steps away from the kitchen. As well as a breathtaking view on Melbourne’s CBD, this garden features: A perfect amount of shade from the hot afternoon sun and dominating dry north-western winds provided by this gorgeous Jacaranda. Two removable

A garden for the bees… and the humans!

After months of preparation, we finally had the pleasure to plant this front garden. Looking at it now, it is hard to believe that a year ago, this front garden was entirely covered with invasive runner grasses. Using the well proven technique of sheet mulching, we have patiently suppressed the grasses, built up soil biology

Raised garden beds

Raised garden beds are perfect for all vegetables. Adapted to all budgets, situation and soil types, they are the quickest way to start growing your own produce.    These are our most popular products! We build the best quality raised garden beds you can find.   Seamless experience: You do not need a single tool

A few words about regenerative farming and gardening strategies, meat and plant diet:

Australorpe melbourne permaculture garden design

A few words about regenerative farming and gardening strategies, meat and plant diet: I decided to write this as an answer to a conversation with a vegan gardener that objected the use of animals in a community garden. This is an opinion article, feel free to comment on it to add your views to the

Nature strips enhancing project

At Libertas Gardens, what really keeps us going is our dream to green up the suburbs. We think it is possible to create a nicer, healthier and an ecologically sound urban environment for us to live in and our children to grow up in. In collaboration with Melbourne City Rooftop Honey and Reclaim The Curb, we

Luxurious fox proofed chicken coop – Thornbury

Awesome chicken coop yard melbourne

This brand new chicken coop, built in Thornbury in Melbourne’s inner north displays an elegant design and some seriously awesome features!  * Surrounded by a mini fruit orchard, the hens will enjoy shade in summer and benefit from the thermal mass of the brick wall in winter.  * These Far West saloon style double gates

A few raised garden beds – Heidelberg

This slightly overgrown backyard was given to us with the mission to help create a simple and easy to maintain garden area. Keeping it cheap was the name of the game here, and the single elderly property owner needed minimal ongoing maintenance. After removing most of the cracked concrete slab, a few simple raised garden

Garden Consultations

Kinder garden small backyard garden design melbourne

Our Garden and Permaculture Consultations are a perfect first step towards a new landscape and a better garden. Our 2hr consultations for $220 (inc. GST, consultation report & transportation) are straight to the point and highly productive.